Hostage-taker shot in shoulder, woman rescued

Special weapons and tactics police arrest the hostage-taker after shooting him in the shoulder, at Theparak community in Muang district, Khon Kaen, on Thursday. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)
Special weapons plus tactics police arrest the hostage-taker right after shooting him within the shoulder, at Theparak community in Muang district, Khon Kaen, on Thursday. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)

KHON KAEN: Police rescued a lady held hostage by a homeless man choose a hand grenade at a community in Muang district upon Thursday morning, after shooting him in the shoulder, ending a three-hour drama.

The man, in whose name was not recognized, was shot in the left shoulder. He or she was later delivered to hospital.

The woman was uninjured.  

The drama started around 9. 30am when a man joined a motorcycle repair center in Theparak local community in Muang district. He was choose an M61 hands grenade and he required the shop user’s wife hostage.

Police experienced earlier on Thursday visited the community in response to complaints about repeated thefts.   Residents alleged that a  homeless scavenger was responsible, Pol Maj Gen Nopphakao Sommanat, chief of Khon Kaen police, said.

The officers found the man in the area with his pushcart, he stated

These people searched him and the cart and found an 11mm gun and 10 principal points in his possession.

The man then produced an M61 hand grenade, and held it in his hand. The officials tried to persuade your pet to lay this down, but he or she refused. The man attached, running through the neighborhood and into the motorcycle repair shop where he got the owner’s wife hostage, Pol Maj Gen Nopphakhao stated.

While police tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to release the woman, a rescue operation has been mounted.

They also tried to communicate with the woman, sending the girl signals to be prepared.

Once the time was deemed right, the woman was signalled to run away, plus special weapons and tactics (SWAT) law enforcement fired shots on the hostage-taker.

The man was hit in the left shoulder. He fell straight down and the officers shifted in to take the grenade from his hand. He was used to  hospital.

Explosive ordnance disposal officers after that cleared the area, ending the 3-hour hostage drama.

Pol Maj Gen Nopphakao said preliminary checks found simply no record of the guy or a permanent residence. There was also no confirmation of reviews he was a former paramilitary ranger. Investigations were continuing.  

The woman hostage runs from  the shop after police shoot her captor, ending her three-hour ordeal. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)

The M61 hand grenade seized from the hostage-taker. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)