Mosquitoes released under Project Wolbachia do not bite, but increased presence can be noticeable: MSE


NEA regularly engages residents at Project Wolbachia study sites, said Mr Baey. 

Such communication and outreach activities are done prior to releases, and include door-to-door distribution of publicity materials, display of posters and banners at high footfall areas and sharing of information via traditional and social media platforms.

NEA also engages establishments such as childcare centres and schools within the release areas. 

In the meantime, “source reduction” remains the key strategy to controlling the population of all types of mosquitoes, added Mr Baey. 

Mosquito control measures include a regular practice of the Mozzie Wipeout B-L-O-C-K steps and the “Spray, Apply, Wear” actions to prevent mosquito bites.

B-L-O-C-K stands for Break up hardened soil, Lift and empty flowerpot plates, Overturn pails and wipe their rims, Change water in vases, and Keep roof gutters clear and place BTI insecticide.