Beijing says G7 ‘maliciously slandered and smeared’ China

is said to have been” deliberately slandered” by Beijing.

China recently conducted three years of military drills around Taiwan as part of what it called a show of force intended to” cover off” the independent island.

China has vowed to one time take Taiwan by force if necessary, despite the fact that it has been ruled individually for more than 70 years.

According to Wang, Taiwan is a spiritual and unalienable region of China’s’s place.

The One-China theory serves as the foundation for stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait. To fully keep the peace … Any attempt at Taiwan independence may be vehemently opposed and halted. “”

He continued by saying that Beijing would” not tolerate interference by any outside force under any name or in any way” and that Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet were” purely China’s’s internal affairs.”

Wang continued,” Overall, the environment in the East China Sea and the South Chinese Sea is firm.

” Relevant ( G7 ) countries should sincerely respect the efforts of regional countries to maintain peace and stability, stop sowing strife among them, and refrain from inciting conflict between camps. “”