Nong Khai, Vientiane to boost border protection

The northeastern province of Nong Khai and the Lao capital Vientiane have signed an agreement to safeguard peace to the Thai-Lao border and extend operations from the border trade checkpoint, according to the Lao-Thai Shared Border Security Cooperation Committee.

Yesterday, the panel held a meeting in Nong Khai presided over by provincial governor Monsit Paisarnthanawat and Vientiane gran Atsaphangthong Siphandone.

Mr Atsaphangthong said bilateral assistance had been disrupted by pandemic for two years but the work between Laos and Asia would resume in the wake of the resolution eked out at the meeting.

“Lao administrative companies will work on the resolution and we believe the bilateral cooperation may enhance border defense. Nong Khai and Vientiane will both thrive in terms of advancement, ” said Mr Atsaphangthong.

The Nong Khai governor said the 2 sides would join hands to improve the abilities of their labour makes as well as on public wellness, the economy, agriculture and cross-border transport.

They will also team up toward off threats in order to national defence. Mr Monsit said Thai and Lao officials will share a lot more intelligence to battle border crime.

The two celebrations also discussed extending the opening hours of the border industry checkpoint.

However , this may be postponed until the Covid-19 scenario is further eased and the two edges are fully ready for the new operating hours.

On May nine, the Nong Khai administrative organisation announced the reopening of three border checkpoints — at the very first Thai-Lao Friendship Link, Nong Khai boat dock, and the immigration gate at Nong Khai train station — to be able to facilitate necessary land and sea transport to Vientiane.