PM needs 2 days of hospital rest

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who is being treated at Phramongkutklao Hospital for a swollen wrist, will be discharged in the next couple of days, the hospital’s director said yesterday.

Maj Gen Thamrongroj Temudom said the PM is suffering from a lymph node infection, which is causing his right wrist to swell up.

A test will determine which bacteria is causing the infection, he said. He dismissed speculation that Gen Prayut was hospitalised due to problems with his immune system.

“Gen Prayut had been prescribed antibiotics, which he took for two days before he was admitted to the hospital for treatment, as they didn’t appear to improve his condition,” said the hospital director.

He added the medical team decided to cut open the infected lymph node to alleviate the swelling.

“The PM has been advised to avoid using his right hand as much as possible, which could affect his day-to-day functions,” he said.

As a result, his agendas for Wednesday and Thursday were cancelled. Gen Prayut had been scheduled to visit Ratchaburi on Wednesday and Songkhla the following day.

Naraporn Chan-o-cha, Gen Prayut’s wife, was seen arriving at the hospital yesterday morning to visit the PM.

Despite the cancellations, the United Thai Nation (UTN) Party isn’t worried, said party secretary-general Akanat Promphan, noting other key party figures and prospective election candidates can fill in for the PM if he is unable to get to campaign meetings.