Progress made in women’s development but more can be done to tackle gender gaps: Lawrence Wong

Mr Wong also brought up the risk of the Internet and social media reinforcing gender stereotypes. 

For example, young girls now are at risk of being pressurised to look a certain way in order to get more likes on social media. Meanwhile, sexualised images of women online can easily influence the attitudes and mindsets of young boys.

“Social media turbocharges these stereotypes and we know that these stereotypes are often the precursor to more extreme sexist attitudes, even hate speech or worse – bullying, harassment, and even sexual abuse and violence,” he said.

That is why Singapore must continue to step up efforts in this area, be it education in school against stereotypes, safeguards for women against violence, online harm and discrimination at the workplace, to improving the broader infrastructure and ecosystem for childcare and senior care.

Employers must also do their part to provide more flexible work arrangements, the minister said.

“Ultimately, we must try to shape more progressive family norms to encourage more shared parental responsibilities and a more balanced sharing of family caregiving responsibilities.

“And if we can do all that, then I’m sure we can see more women thrive, excel and advance in leadership roles, in both the public and private sectors, and they will do so on their own merit, not through some special scheme or treatment because you do not need them.”

All this means that Singapore’s work of advancing women’s development is “never finished”. 

“We must keep at it and we must continue to push the agenda along,” said Mr Wong. “Because the bottom line is that Singapore women are equally capable as men and we will give you equal opportunities to prove yourself and reach your fullest potential.”

Mr Wong pointed to the Forward Singapore initiative – launched in June by the ruling party’s fourth-generation or 4G leadership team – as one way of doing so. 

“Through this exercise, we hope we can come together to imagine the kind of society we want for our children and our grandchildren. A society where men and women can stand as equals, where we recognise the intrinsic value of women in Singapore, and where every citizen is empowered to fulfill their aspirations and dreams.”

Following his speech, Mr Wong joined Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo and Member of Parliament Carrie Tan (PAP-Nee Soon) in a dialogue session, where they discussed issues such as paternity leave and women in leadership roles.