Somsak pushes to control animal fights, legalise bets

Justice Minister Somsak Thepsutin is calling for the drafting of new benchmarks for animal fights and races in an effort to attract more visitors.

Mr Somsak said he had ordered all officials concerned to start collaborating on the drafting of a new law.

The new law, he said, will outline the standards for bull-, cock- and fish-fighting, as well as horse races, legalise betting to boost tax revenues, and set out pedigree standards that the government hopes will increase the value of the animals.

The move followed the Interior Ministry’s decision to allow the resumption of these activities after a pause during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It will stimulate the Thai economy and attract more foreign tourists. Animal competitions are a long-standing tradition in many areas of the country,” Mr Somsak said.

“There should be an internationally accepted set of rules for fights and races … This will attract visitors, which means more admission fees,” the justice minister said.

“If we legalise betting, we can collect taxes, which means more revenue for the state to fund national development… Once the law comes into effect, it will benefit many villagers and farmers,” Mr Somsak said.