Dream job: The Japanese man who gets paid to do nothing

“With my friends I feel I have to entertain them, using the rental-guy (Morimoto) I don’t feel the need to be chatty, ” she said.

Before Morimoto found his true calling, he worked at a publishing organization and was frequently chided for “doing nothing”.

“I started wondering what would happen if I offered my ability to ‘do nothing’ as a service to clients, inch he said.

The companionship business is now Morimoto’s exclusive source of income, with which he supports his wife and child. Although he declined to disclose how much he can make, he said this individual sees about a couple of clients a day. Before the pandemic, it was 3 or 4 a day.

As he spent a Wed doing nothing associated with note in Tokyo, Morimoto reflected on the bizarre nature associated with his job plus appeared to question the society that ideals productivity and derides uselessness.

“People tend to think that our ‘doing nothing’ will be valuable because it is helpful (for others)… But it’s fine to actually not do anything. People do not have to end up being useful in any specific way, ” he or she said.