Malaysia's inflation rises to 4.4% in July

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian’s pumpiing jumped 4. 4% to 127. nine in July 2022, its highest in more than a year, because the cost of food carried on to accelerate.

The increase in the consumer price index (CPI), the highest since Apr 2021, was in collection with the median prediction of a Reuters vote of analysts.

Announcing the Come july 1st inflation data in a statement, the National Statistics Department said the increase in pumpiing was also due to the reduced base effect this past year as a result of the electrical power bill discount through 5% to forty percent according to total utilization given to domestic customers.

For July, the food index went up 6. 9%, providing as the main contributor the increase in overall inflation.

“Apart from the Food team, all other groups also continued to report increases except for Communication which remained unrevised as compared to the same month of the previous season.

“Restaurants & Hotels increased five. 8 per cent accompanied by Transport (5. 6%); Furnishings, Household Tools & Routine Home Maintenance (4. 0%) and Housing, Drinking water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels (3. 8%).

“Meanwhile, Recreation Services & Culture also signed up an increase of second . 5 per cent, Assorted Goods & Solutions (2. 1%) and Education (1. 2%), ” said the statistics department.

The core inflation and inflation with no fuel registered an increase of 3. 4% and 4. 2% respectively in This summer 2022 as compared to exactly the same month of the preceding year.

On a monthly basis, the inflation improved 0. 4% as compared to June.

For that January to Come july 1st period, the pumpiing increased 2 . 8% as compared to the same period last year.