Taliban break up rare protest by Afghan women in Kabul

Women protesters in Kabul running away from Taliban fighters after they have been beaten and dispersed. Getty Images

Taliban fighters have got dispersed dozens of females protesters in Kabul, almost a year after the militant group seized power.

Regarding 40 women marched through the Afghan capital demanding rights, before the Taliban broke up by firing into the air.

The practitioners seized their cell phones, stopping one of the first ladies protests in several weeks.

Since the Taliban takeover, women rights’ are severely restricted.

The particular protesters chanted their demands for “bread, work and freedom”, carrying a banner reading “August fifteen is a black day” – a reference to the day the Taliban captured Kabul in 2021.

Some journalists covering the march were reportedly also defeated.

In the season since the Taliban came back to power, they have issued various purchases restricting the freedom of women – barring them from many government jobs, secondary education and through travelling more than 45 miles (70km) with no male guardian.

In May, the militants decreed that Afghan females will have to wear the particular Islamic face veil for the first time in years.

If a woman refuses to comply, her male guardians could be sent to jail for three days – although this is simply not always enforced.

There have been minor intermittent protests over the past year, but any form of dissent is being crushed.

Afghanistan could be the only country in the world that officially limitations education by gender – a major sticking point in the Taliban’s attempts to gain international legitimacy.

Girls were banned from receiving secondary education, the particular ministry for women’s affairs has been disbanded, and in many cases women have never been allowed to work.