Ghostlore: In this made-in-Singapore video game, you get to fight hungry ghosts and pontianaks

Ghostlore now boasts a procedurally generated world with detailed item plus character customisation systems reminiscent of Diablo. The maps feature famous landmarks like the Merlion and shophouses, and combat items actually include traditional weapons like the keris (or kris) and parang.

“The online game is still in Early Accessibility, but we have a roadmap that includes completing the story, adding all of the planned monsters plus locations into the video game, balancing and polishing, ” he explained. Players have also expressed a desire to find more quests, customisation options, and legends from places like the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

“As a team associated with two, the requests can be overwhelming, yet being small provides its advantages – we can be nimble and responsive without needing to go through layers of bureaucracy as we would certainly in a larger company. ”

Andrew and Adam may have steered clear of the red tape of AAA studios (or those that create high-budget, high-profile games for example Grand Theft Auto and FIFA) , but that also means they don’t have the benefit of huge budgets plus teams. As a result, Toby adheres to a restricted schedule: He concentrates on his full-time work from 10am to 7pm, and begins work on Ghostlore through 8pm to night time, and spends the majority of his weekends plus public holidays on his passion project as well.

“I feel that the things i have sacrificed is usually social acceptance, as the way I have chosen to live my life is usually somewhat out of step with the norms of Singapore society, ” said Andrew. “I don’t feel as though I am missing out on anything; I just feel that relatives and acquaintances are judging me when they see that I am individual with no car or even house or fancy watch. I desire my way of living might be seen as valid. ”

But Andrew remains undeterred. “I do not find it challenging to setup the time and hard work to fully realise Ghostlore. Finding motivation was not an issue for me whatsoever. I’m very passionate about what I do. ”