Padang to be gazetted as Singapore’s 75th national monument on National Day

SINGAPORE: The Padang will be gazetted on National Day on Tuesday (Aug 9) as Singapore’s 75th national monument in view of its “strong national, historical and social significance”, said the National Heritage Board (NHB) on Monday.

This will make it the first green open space to be preserved and accorded the highest level of protection in Singapore under the Preservation of Monuments Act, added the agency.

“With the gazette, the character and appearance of the Padang will be preserved for future generations, while ensuring all current uses can continue,” said NHB.

The Padang, which is Malay for “field”, has been retained as an open green space despite many changes in its Civic District vicinity. 

It is bordered by several national monuments including Saint Andrew’s Cathedral, the Lim Bo Seng and Civilian War memorials as well as the Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall.

Since it came into existence in 1822, the historic site has been associated with key milestones in Singapore’s history, including the inaugural National Day Parade on Aug 9, 1966 and every parade thereafter until 1975.