Opposition seeks daycare centre massacre debate

The opposition will postpone its plan to file a motion for a general debate in parliament to the middle of next month to pave the way for an urgent motion on the child daycare centre massacre in Nong Bua Lam Phu.

Pheu Thai and opposition leader Cholnan Srikaew said opposition parties originally planned to file the motion seeking the debate under Section 152 of the constitution when parliament returned from its break.

However, the mass killing and related issues of narcotics suppression and gun control, along with widespread flooding, need to be addressed urgently, he said. The motion is expected to be filed on Nov 3.

The opposition then intends to file a motion for a general debate on Nov 15 or 16 to pave the way for that debate in mid-December, he said. With the country being in the festive season, the general debate may not attract wide public attention but the opposition needs it to scrutinise the government’s performance and offer recommendations, he said.

Among the issues to be raised during the debate are the government’s 12-point policy on the economy and other matters, he said. “If the opposition doesn’t take it, we may not get another chance. There could be a House dissolution after the Apec summit, possibly in late December,” he said.

Dr Cholnan said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is widely expected to choose a date around that time to get an advantage over its rivals. He said the government is also likely to roll out stimulus measures over Christmas and New Year to boost its popularity.