Sri Lanka president outlines reform plan, but no quick fixes in sight for economy and political situation


“The immediate focus from the government is to try to reduce some of the shortage of basic requirements and (bringing down) inflation, ” mentioned Murtaza Jafferjee, economist and chairman of Colombo-based think container Advocata Institute.

Data from the Department of Census plus Statistics showed meals inflation alone went up from 80. 1 per cent within June to 90. 9 per cent within July. Transport pumpiing, meanwhile, increased through 128 per cent in order to 143. 6 % during the same period.

“This is definitely destroying the life of most people, ” Mr Jafferjee said.  

Based on the president, the government provides initiated the process of reducing people’s suffering, through minimising power cuts to improving the particular supply of gas.

“There is no shortage of gas and soon, everyone could obtain it with no queuing. Safety measures are taken to avoid foods shortages. Bringing important drugs and medical equipment to the private hospitals have been initiated, ” he told parliamentarians.

Commenting for the fuel shortage, Mr Wickremesinghe said it is timely to create a program where the commodity will be imported using Sri Lanka’s export earnings and foreign remittances. However , he added that the supply “has to be curtailed”.

“These hardships would need to be borne until the end of this year, ” the chief executive said.

Fuel is currently distributed by way of a rationing system within Sri Lanka. The public is required to register their automobiles with the government to get a National Fuel Pass in the form of a specific QR code.

Each code comes with an every week quota for fuel and the quantity varies according to the vehicle types.

Months of fuel shortage possess disrupted various aspects of life in Sri Lanka and as the problems unfolds, its people have become increasingly overcome.  

However , analysts believe the problem is slowly improving, thanks to dollar liquidity in the economy.

“In the month associated with July, it is anticipated that exports can exceed imports. This is a country that imports significantly more than this exports. But because of the demand compression because of the unaffordability and the insufficient supply, (the) exports may exceed imports, significantly improving buck liquidity in the financial system, ” Mister Jafferjee told CNA.

According to the leader, measures are being taken by the government to put in more dollars to the ailing economy through foreign remittances and tourism.