83 Thais stranded in Myanmar’s Laukkaing to return Monday

83 Thais stranded in Myanmar's Laukkaing to return Monday
On November 19, Thai survivors are awaiting transportation from Shan State in Myanmar’s Laukkaing to the Chinese borders. ( Photo provided )

According to a statement from the Thai consulate in Yangon, another group of 83 Thais who were formerly stranded in Laukkaing, Myanmar, are scheduled to be flown home from China on Monday night, according to the Foreign Ministry.

From Laukkaing to China, the 83 Thais were safely evacuated by area. They have been given the go-ahead to take a certified Lion Air journey home, which is scheduled to arrive at the Don Mueang airports on Monday at around 1.40 am.

They will be transported to another location to undergo a National Referral Mechanism ( NRM ) checkup to determine which of them are victims of human trafficking and who have been involved in transnational crime after completing immigration at the airport.

The Foreign Ministry expressed gratitude to everyone involved for pooling and nbsp’s efforts to assist Thai citizens in need worldwide. To assist Thai citizens who may still be in Laukkaing, the Thai consulate in Yangon will maintain its investigation.