600,000 speed pills seized after border clash

Near the northern border, there are a kilo of crystal meth and a million rate pills awaiting trafficking.

Soldiers inspect the clash scene in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai, finding speed pills and heroin abandoned by smugglers after a late-night gunfight. (Photo: Pha Muang task force)
After a late-night shootout, men in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai, discover rate medications and cocaine that pirates had abandoned. ( Photo: Pha Muang task force )

Following an exchange of gunfire near the Myanmar borders in Mae Sai city of Chiang Rai state on Friday nights, men seize 600,000 meth tablets and almost 10 kilograms of cocaine that fled smugglers. &nbsp,

Around 10:30 p.m., a military police from the Ha Muang job force and a gang operating a drug smuggling gang collided near a border crossing in tambon Wiang Phangkham.

Both&nbsp, factors exchanged fire as the pirates fled, but no troops were injured, Gen Narit Thawonwong, captain of a drug reduction product in the northern border, said on Saturday.

Five backpacks containing illicit drugs were discovered by troops on Saturday night when they looked at the scene.

Three luggage contained about 600, 000 cocaine pills, while the other two held 12 boxes of cocaine each, weighing 9.6kg in full.

According to Gen. Narit, intelligence reports indicate that around 80 million rate pills and a tonne of crystal meth are being smuggled in close to Thailand’s northern border.

Medicine criminals use a variety of smuggling strategies to avoid being captured, including using logistics firms, hiring young people as couriers, and hiding drugs in car compartments. Illicit drugs are furthermore made in common forms to appeal to consumers, said the captain.