Described: 16 Mar 2024 at 04: 00

In connection with 525 online gambling sites, the authorities have taken up nearly 2, 000 items fair 69 million baht and have arrested 44 suspects.
On Thursday, the arrests were announced in a statement from Digital Economy and Society Minister Prasert Chantararuangthong, the head of the Central Investigation Bureau ( CIB ), as well as Pol Lt. Gen. Jirabhop Bhuridej and other senior police officers.
Seven of the 44 defendants, according to the report, were the operators of the gaming sites and the network’s five beneficiaries.
Eight people who were hired to carry out ATM purchases for the system and 24 people who were involved in an activity that provided animal balances to the system were added to that class of 12.
The suspects were working as a gang, according to Pol Lt Gen Jirabhop.
Those who supplied animal accounts earned up to 15, 000 rmb, while those making ATM transactions were paid up to 50, 000 baht per invoice, he said.
The team behind the platforms, which consisted of social media administrators, graphic designers, accounts authors, and another, were paid salaries and bonuses by the site owners, he added.
Arrun Mongkolmuang, 33, and her 27-year-old partner Sunanta Khammadee, a deputy director of a hospital class in Roi Et, were two of the 44 people present.
The couple used their buffalo farm to cover up their animal accounts operation and used it to conceal their operation in the province.
As for the property, the authorities seized 1, 913 items for 69 million baht from the community.
From cheap breeder buffaloes with ornamental gold bullion to expensive bullion.
The Digital Economy and Society Ministry and the CIB worked together, according to Mr. Prasert.
Pol Lt. Gen. Jirabhop claimed that the CIB spent about three weeks looking into the case leading up to the March 14 detention.
In addition, the Technology Crime Suppression Division made it known that it had recently raided a home in Nong Khai that was connected to the” UFA” gambling site and had also seize more than 16 million baht in cash.