43 arrested in Singapore-Malaysia police operation targeting illegal remote betting syndicate

43 arrested in Singapore-Malaysia police operation targeting illegal remote betting syndicate
43 arrested in Singapore-Malaysia police operation targeting illegal remote betting syndicate

SINGAPORE: Singapore and Malaysia authorities foiled an organised criminal class believed to be behind illegal&nbsp, distant betting activities, arresting 43 people aged between 34 and 82&nbsp, for their suspected presence.

Nine of them will be charged with crimes against them under the Gambling Control Act on Tuesday ( July 2 ), according to a news release from the Singapore Police Force ( SPF ) on Monday. Investigations are ongoing against the rest.

Sunscreen officers from several groups carried out simultaneous assaults at different locations during the combined activity, which resulted in the arrest of 37 men and two women, from Jun 30 to Jul 1.

Four Taiwanese men were also apprehended by Indonesian police officers at the same time.

SPF issued restriction of removal requests for seven components with an estimated value of more than US$ 10.7 million ( US$ 7.9 million ). &nbsp,

For investigation purposes, money, jewelry, luxury watches, and more than 40 bank accounts with an estimated value of almost S$ 4 million were also seized to stop the alleged criminal revenues from disappearing.

The police even took gambling-related equipment and electronic devices like cellphones and computers as case exhibits.