420 weed party plan stokes ire

Opposition is mounting to a cannabis-smoking event planned for today in the Khao San Road area of Bangkok as the date, April 20, aligns with the “420” celebration of cannabis culture around the world.

Assoc Prof Phiphat Nonthnathorn, president of the Association of Researchers of Thailand (ART), and Prasitchai Nunual, an activist from a group calling itself Writing Thailand’s Cannabis Future, shared their concerns about the event sending the wrong message about marijuana, which could prompt even stronger opposition to the drug’s recent reclassification.

Assoc Prof Phiphat urged the organiser of the event, dubbed “Khaosan420”, to rethink the decision, especially given how the issue of legalising cannabis in Thailand has stirred up heated debates and raised fears about the plant being abused for recreational purposes.

As some parties are pushing to re-list cannabis as a narcotic during their election campaigns, such an event could help them win more public support given the expected backlash it may cause, Assoc Prof Phiphat said.

Research bodies and organisations working on medical cannabis could also end up suffering, he added.

“The event should reflect how important cannabis can be to humankind, not something that will possibly undermine its importance by showing to the public that the benefit of cannabis is all about indulging in smoking pot,” he noted.

“Young people who are pro-cannabis had better come up with something new and better, rather than perpetuating the same old negative image of cannabis smokers,” said Mr Prasitchai.

Smoking cannabis in public is a criminal offence prohibited under Section 74 of the Public Health Act, said Supachai Jaisamut, registrar of the Bhumjaithai Party, which supports legalising cannabis for medicinal and health purposes.

The law sets a jail term of up to one month and/or a fine of up to 2,000 baht for weed smokers who are a public nuisance.

“We are not going to let them hold their pot-smoking event here on Khao San Road because we cannot agree with the idea of people smoking it freely in public,” said Sanga Ruangwattanakul, president of the Khao San Business Association.

He said he suspected the road’s name was just being used to promote the event, as he had heard it was to be staged on Ram Buttri Road by an unknown organiser. Police said no permits had been sought.