35 named for charter rewrite panel

After the government this month approved the appointment of its 35 members, the panel to review a vote on amending the contract will convene on Tuesday, according to associate Chusak Sirinil.

He claimed that after the Move Forward Party( MFP) decided not to take part, the panels, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai, will explore making changes to the council.

The committee’s primary goals, according to Mr. Chusak, a Pheu Thai-list MP, are to come to an agreement on the number of referendums required to decide the role and makeup of the proposed drafting assembly( CDA ).

He stated that there are differing opinions regarding the number of shells that may be necessary for the election process and that it may also follow an earlier Constitutional Court decision.

The Constitutional Court ruled in 2021 that any attempt to alter the whole charter may be approved by the general public; if a modify is approved, the content must then be subject to another referendum.

According to the decision, at least two sessions are necessary, but some contend that a second round might be necessary.

Mr. Chusak stated that some people believe the CDA should be immediately elected, while others believe it should also have appointed users.

He added that he was assured the issue would be resolved by the end of the year and that the debate over these two issues needed to be concluded first.

Chaithawat Tulathon, the head of the MFP, stated yesterday that although the party had fully decided to withdraw, it would still make suggestions to the council.

To prevent a fresh round of political issue, he urged the government to pay attention to all stakeholders and give them the opportunity to express their opinions.

Pita Limjaroenrat, the chief advisor to the MFP, reaffirmed the party’s position that the charter-drafting assembly should be chosen immediately.

He claimed that the MFP had never joined the board because the party believed it had been put in place to delay the rewrite of the contract.