273 Thai armed forces engineers sent to S Sudan

Armed forces commander-in-chief Gen Songwit Noonphakdi leads the send-off ceremony for military engineers heading to the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan. PATTARAPONG CHATPATTARASILL
Gen Songwit Noonphakdi, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, directs the service for military engineers arriving at the UN peace goal in South Sudan. PATTARAPONG CHATPATTARASILL

Starting on Sunday, the Royal Thai Armed Forces will send 273 engineers to help the UNMISS mission in South Sudan ( UNMISS).

Gen Songwit Noonphakdi, the military forces commander-in-chief, led the send-off meeting for the second group of military officers on Thursday.

The group consists of 256 Royal Thai Army men, including 28 sexual military officers, and 17 another military personnel.

They may take their place, according to Gen Songwit, who left in July of last year.

The second group will keep this Sunday, according to the Gen Songwit, while the rest will depart on September 6.

South Sudan, which the UN’s security mission is called, has been rifracked by frequent protests since it gained its independence on July 9, 2011, and UNMISS is its main priority.

Gen. Songwit praised Thailand’s participation in an international peace force as a source of pride and honor, adding that this enlistment increases the level of knowledge and experience of Thai military personnel.

He added that international partners, including the UN, have been testing the ability of Thai military designers.