21-year-old man who grew up under abusive father jailed for slashing him to death after being taunted

A 19-year-old man who was accused of killing his father at a housing board block in Yishun entered a reduced culpable homicide plea on Monday ( Sep 30 ) and was not charged with murder.

Seah Jie Kai Sylesnar, who is now 21, was sentenced to six times ‘ prisons. The victim’s “unsavoury treatment” did not grant a permission to the young person to stop a life with such violence, according to the judge.

He acknowledged the fee and a set of court records that detailed how his adult father had repeatedly abused him, his family, and his two older sisters over the years.

When Seah’s dad made fun of him by calling him a lesbian insult and asking if he had dared to” chop one with a lifestyle,” things finally came to an end in October 2022.

Seah slashed his father on the neck with a body wound after being enraged and humiliated by pulling a knife from the kitchen.

The younger man began to worry that his father, who was involved in gang battles in his youth, may murder him. According to his doctors, he remembered his family’s history threats that he would shoot Seah one time.

The younger man armed himself with two swords and made the decision to make the first move. &nbsp,

On the night of Oct 10, 2022, Seah found his 47-year-old parents, Seah Wee Teck Eddie, near the pull on the second floor of Block 653, Yishun Avenue 4 where they lived.

Then, as he planned to dismember his father for a speedy death, Seah used the knives to attack his father, aiming for his head and neck area.

Seah was pushed to the third floor’s staircase by his father, who struggled and blocked some blows. &nbsp,

Before the older man approached the fifth floor and fell into a pool of blood at a neighbor’s apartment, the pair tussled between the two surfaces.

Seah yelled for help from his parents as he worried about him and chased him away.

According to his army doctors, Mr Sunil Sudheesan and Ms Joyce Khoo from Quahe Woo &amp, Palmer, Seah felt “overwhelmed” after his parents collapsed.

He told his father:” I actually hated you for a while”.

In response, his father said:” I’m sorry. I love you. Choose accept me”.

Seah subsequently asked his father to kill him, according to the defense, but Seah then allegedly placed a blade on his own throat when his father refused to move.

His father purportedly told him “do n’t do it, it is n’t worth it”.

The professionals claimed that Seah then laid down subsequent to his father and yelled for the authorities until they arrived.

The victim was certified to have died from bleeding from a scar to the throat after an autopsy revealed at least 24 sores on his body.


According to the declaration of information, the victim’s verbal abuse toward his wife and children caused a strained relationship.

When drunk, he frequently verbally abused his household users. When they were younger, he actually abused them as well.

According to the army, Seah’s families often drank and fought when he was younger, and he would switch himself in his place.

His father frequently chastised him, asking him to “be a gentleman, not a girl”, the doctors alleged.

The target frequently “boasted about being a gang associate,” was reportedly happy to be a victim, and even laughed if he disturbed his children.

Seah’s girl described the whippings on him as” not normal and exceedingly harsh,” while his father claimed that he would can him and leave scars. &nbsp,

According to the defense, Seah’s father was known to throw books at him and put foam balls on his brother’s head.

Our customer was not permitted to cry during the sentence because his parents viewed crying as a failure and it caused his father to become more angry. As a result, our consumer trained himself not to display any thoughts”, said the army.

Seah reportedly avoided going to school during recess because he felt uncomfortable at house, opting instead to work outside.

When Seah was 11 years old, Seah’s older brother moved out of the home house after the victim allegedly had his notebook smashed.


Seah, according to the defense, had been considering death numerous days in 2015 but only once because of how angry his mother would be.

Seah blamed his parents and pondered death once more after his mother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2021.

After killing his father, Seah was evaluated by the Institute of Mental Health ( IMH) and determined to have two conditions at the time of the offence: “other specified depressive disorder” or OSDD.

Seah was not of sound head, according to the psychiatrist’s findings. But, the OSDD had lessened his ability to determine his deeds and the extent of his knowledge of the wrongdoing.

A second psychotherapist who evaluated Seah determined that his medical condition as per a March 2024 report was in good condition and that his chance of reoffending is reduced, with a good long-term outlook.

Seah frequently slashed his father’s throat with two swords with the intention of killing him, according to the declaration of information.

He did it while suffering from OSDD, a mental disorder that severely impairs his power to determine his actions and the extent of his capacity to control his steps.

Seah was sentenced to seven to twelve years in prison, while the defense requested a maximum sentence of five, urging the court to” not give up on this young man who now must live with the marks of his activities.”

Neither aspect sought punishment.


One can take justice into one’s own arms, even if they find themselves in “unfortunate circumstances” like Seah’s, said deputy public prosecutor Derek Ee and Jordy Kay.

” We accept it was a terrible situation for the accused to be in, but even if one finds themselves in that situation… ( with ) a significant source of stress at home, violence by taking that person’s life is not the answer and it’s not justified”, said Mr Ee. &nbsp,

He claimed that the killing occurred in a public place, with unrest that would have aggravated common concern.

Seah “deeply determined to kill his papa,” according to Mr. Ee, and the severity of the attack highlighted the victim’s severity of injuries.

He claimed that the body’s 24 incised wounds were a” traditional count,” with some wounds involving many people. At least nine of the 24 scars were on the defendant’s head and neck.

Mr. Ee added that Seah’s psychological illness, OSDD, was” not the most serious” and that his melancholy problem was not as extreme as major depressive disorder.

” A existence has been lost, and despite his young age and mental illness, the accused must endure the consequences of his actions”, said Mr Ee.

Criminal killing no equivalent to murder can bring two types of penalties: Lifestyle imprisonment and caning, or jail for up to 20 years, a great, or caning.