20 years after Nicolle Highway collapse, construction industry stresses regular updates on safety protocols

20 years after Nicolle Highway collapse, construction industry stresses regular updates on safety protocols

“ I see a lot of development over the 20 times as a result of the event, ” said Mr Ng.

“Safety requirements have increased and the level of style search has also increased substantially, pushing Singapore’s style standards to a higher amount. ”

However, there’s no place for confidence.

With rising sea levels and growing underwater places becoming more and more crowded, Singapore’s building sector faces new challenges in the future.

Mr. Ng argued that the building industry needs to be more diligent than ever, and more steps must be taken.

Full excavation projects will encounter higher water pressure, which may put more pressure on walls as the sea level rises. There will also be risks of leakage, which could cause floods and put workers ’ lives in danger, ” he said.

He said that as heat rises, there will also be more expansion and contraction of creating materials, which may compromise structural integrity.

He continued to work as a project manager at the page until the conclusion of the Nicoll Highway MRT stop along the Circle Line, which opened in 2010.

“ I was there during the building. We were under a lot of pressure to make sure the place was constructed properly and on occasion, ” said Mr. Ng.  

“Looking again, there were so many shortcomings in our development industry. But we unified and made positive changes, he continued.

“Today, we take the event as a reminder. We as engineers must be very cautious with every step we take because our models dictate what transpires on-site. ”