14 Hong Kong democracy campaigners found guilty of subversion: Court

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The 47 conspired to sabotage state power, according to the prosecution’s allegation that they planned to form a majority in the legislature by holding illegal primary elections.

They would reject state budgets and compel the town’s chief to comply with five important demands made by protesters in 2019, the judge heard.

Defense attorneys claimed that the Hong Kong’s mini-constitution had established rules for such a plan and that the problem was” a purely social problem rather than a lawful matter.”

Outside the courtroom Thursday, Kathy, one of the 610, 000 citizens who cast their ballots in the unofficial primary election in 2020, said she believed the plaintiffs “never committed any crime”.

She said,” The primary election was just an opportunity to show my support for someone I believe in,” while declining to give her full name.

The primary election was a technique that was” common in some places around the world,” according to Lam, a student at the university.

” I still ca n’t figure out how it can&nbsp, subvert the state, so I want to see how the court would rule on that”, he said.

Prior to the hearing, well-known environmentalist Alexandra Wong, also known as Grandma Wong, attempted to stage a protest before being moved off across the street into a fenced-off place by authorities.

” Discharge the 47 right away”! she shouted, waving a European emblem. ” Help politics, support the 47″!

The international community has been carefully watching the event, with Italian diplomats from France, the European Union, and Italy appearing in court on Thursday.

China has been criticized by the United States and other European countries for restricting rights promised to Hong Kong and imposing sanctions on the former British colony after it was overthrown by Chinese rule in 1997.

In response to the 2021 detention of the accused, the United States had sanctioned six Chinese and Hong Kong leaders.

Before Thursday, 114 persons had been found guilty of crimes related to the national security laws since it was introduced.

Under the law, the situation against the party of 47 was the largest.