131 cases where officers were disciplined for workplace discrimination in the last 5 years: MHA


The” established programs” that officials can use to file complaints or report wrong were also laid out by Mr. Shanmugam.

MP Murali Pillai( PAP-Bukit Batok ) inquired about the means by which Home Team officers could file complaints about unfair treatment and discrimination from their superior officers without fear of retaliation.

If their primary supervisors were able or willing to handle workplace issues, MP Sylvia Lim( WP-Aljunied) inquired about the options available to officers. She also enquired as to whistleblower safety and stations.

In reply, Mr. Shanmugam suggested that MHA officers use the Channels for Formal Grievance Handling and Confidential Ethical Disclosure to” privately report grievances, work prejudice, and any issues relating to inappropriate conduct or behavior to any level of management immediately.”

This includes the top management of their Home Team Department and MHA offices, as well as their immediate supervisor, system captain, or director. According to Mr. Shanmugam, this can be accomplished either in reading or in person.

In order to ensure that all accounts of workplace discrimination, harsh treatment, or misconduct are” looked into honestly, properly, and speedily ,” he added,” clear escalation rules and techniques.”

Product commanders and directors can, for instance, let the assistant head or head of the appropriate department know, depending on the reports’ content.

An impartial review of the case will then be conducted by the department’s human resource department or an internal analysis body. The deputy brain or head of the department may receive a report on the review’s results.

If necessary, the Civil Service Disciplinary Framework will be followed and the appropriate actions taken.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, if an agent is dissatisfied with the investigation’s findings, they can take the matter to the head of the civil service or higher levels in the MHA chain of command.

When they join the department, all MHA officials are briefed on these monitoring programs. According to Mr. Shanmugam, the information is accessible on MHA’s intranet and is also constantly reminded through internal channels like emails and at discussions and forums with management.

He claimed that the government also conducts nbsp studies. – including a three-year 360-degree review of supervisors, during which its officers may offer unidentified comments and feedback, including on workplace-related issues.

At the same time, we promote concerned coverage, he added. We must prevent the emergence of a society of false, poison-letter claims, which could demoralize the larger officer community and foster an unhealthy work environment.

” Administrative action may be taken against the officer who made the false report if a report is made in awful trust.” “”