With Kamala Harris, Democrats would bet against US history of sexism, racism


” If you think that there is discussion among the individuals who want Joe Biden to keep that they will help Kamala- Vice President Harris- you would be mistaken”, Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a Biden admirer, said on Instagram. ” There’s no safe option”.

Barack Obama was the first and only black senator in the US in 2008. The only person to mind a political solution of a big group, Hillary Clinton, lost to Trump in 2016.

Followers of Harris, the first person and primary dark and South Asian person to hold office, claim that she has already endured unjust discrimination based on her race and gender and is prepared for more.

” America has a history of racism, discrimination, so I’m confident that will factor into this conversation, element into her plan”, said Blake Simmons, a former Harris secretary.

But he added that there is a flip side to the situation: If Harris is elected to the top of the seat, black voters might be enthralled, and some people, including those who regret not supporting Clinton in 2016, would also support her.

” It’s also true that she will gain from her competition and her sex, that some African Americans may march to her candidacy”, he said.

Harris, according to him, enjoys greater acknowledgment than the other Democratic leaders who have been feigned as possible presidential candidates. In Democrat lines, governors of California and Michigan have been cited as potential alternatives for Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer.

” While she has defects and faults like people, we know those deficiencies and faults, so you can develop a plan with precision. Any other individuals are perfect unknowns”, Simmons said.

Under the condition of anonymity, a former Democratic lawmaker claimed that he thought Harris was more vulnerable because of her track record than her culture.

At the beginning of her evil president, Harris experienced staff turnover and showed little improvement in her areas of responsibility for preserving voting rights and preventing migration from Central America.

The former senator claimed that the competition issue is just a compounding or aggravating factor. ” Any of it’s going to be a bargain, but I like the conflict with another member, even if that means Kamala at the top of the solution”.