US sanctions Chinese firm saying it hacked US energy industry

The Treasury said APT31 has targeted higher- standing US officers and their officials, including at the White House, sections of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, members of Congress and people.

Wuhan Xiaoruizhi Science and Technology’s action resulted in the security of US and overseas politicians, international policy experts, academics, journalists, pro- democracy activists and others, the Treasury said, adding that in 2018 employees of the company carried out an APT31 harmful cyber operation on a Texas- based energy company.

” The United States is focused on both disrupting the dangerous and careless deeds of malicious computer stars, as well as protecting our citizens and our vital infrastructure”, Treasury’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nelson, said in the speech.

Treasury will continue to use our equipment to highlight these networks and defend against these threats through our whole-of-government strategy and in close collaboration with our American partners.