Tens of thousands in South Korea protest lack of climate progress

More than 30 000 protesters gathered in South Korea’s capital on Saturday ( Sep 7 ) on a scorching hot day to demand more aggressive action from the government to stop global warming.

In the biggest demonstration in the country so far this year, snarling prospects in northern Seoul, protesters of all ages marched in the city with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.

They waved big flags reading” Climate justice”,” Guard our lives”! and” NO to climate villain ( President ) Yoon Suk Yeol’s administration”.

According to Yu Si-yun, an ecological advocate leading the protest,” Truth is, this summer was hardly habitable and people could never live like people.”

We are confronted with a problem that is n’t unique to a nation or a person. We require widespread alter, but we have no time to act.

The opposition, which was organized by the 907 Climate Justice March Group Committee, came after South Korea’s best judge ruled last month that the country’s climate change law violates fundamental rights and sets no goals for the protection of future generations.

The 200 defendants claimed to the constitutional court that the government had violated the people ‘ animal rights by not doing enough to combat climate change, including adolescent climate activists and even some kids.