Nestle, P&G investigate palm oil sourcing after green group’s Indonesia deforestation report

A group representing the environment claimed that palm oil from an improperly cleared wildlife reserve in Indonesia may have entered their supply chains, prompting consumer brands Nestle and Procter & Gamble to launch an investigation. According to the US-based Rainforest Action Network (RAN), citing dish images that it claims showContinue Reading

Azerbaijan takes driver’s seat in global climate negotiations but oil legacy fuels concerns over commitment

Even though that would improve Azerbaijan’s personal national emissions of greenhouse gases, it only raises the issue of polluters purchasing its gas exports. &nbsp,

Export emissions are usually not included in climate finance, leaving nations that buy and use energy with a burden of pollution.

It is why there should be increased attention on the overall energy network, from producer to seller to buyer, much of which has a strong American footprint, said Ms Kate Watters, director of Crude Accountability, a animal rights and economic watchdog for the Persian Basin.

She has serious concerns about the allegations of Azerbaijan’s weak human rights history, lack of transparency on key issues and rooted levels of corruption, byproducts of a resource-heavy, generally state-controlled business.

She cited the significant investments made by companies like BP, Total, and ExxonMobil, Europe’s growing dependence on its energy exports, and the international green funding flowing to solar power projects that are truly substituting in place of the national gas that supplies Azerbaijan’s oil sector.” I think one of the most important things to understand is our responsibility as Western consumers of fossil fuels in what’s happening in Azerbaijan best then,” she said.

Are they simply exporting their carbon pollution to Europe if we examine the entire supply chain from beginning to end? Does that actually address the concerns about how to achieve a more green coming and less carbon emissions? No, it merely pushes the bits around”, she said.

According to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, published by Transparency International, Azerbaijan ranks 154th out of 180 countries with a rating of 23 out of 100, making it one of the most crooked countries in the world.

In October, members of the German parliament highly condemned the” Azerbaijan regime’s historic home and extraterritorial repression of activists, journalists, opposition leaders, and people” and even labelled its “ongoing human rights abuses… incompatible with its hosting of the climate event”.

They requested that the EU-Azerbaijani strategic energy partnership be suspended.

The UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review Working Group also reviewed Azerbaijan’s human rights record for the fourth time in late 2023, and 319 recommendations were made.

The government agreed to adopt 185 of those, including measures related to civil and political rights, anti-corruption and national human rights legislation.

In order to “discredit the image of Azerbaijan and undermine its position,” President Ilham Aliyev has previously referred to allegations of corruption by his family and government as “insinuations or half truths.”

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Raised on oil: Azerbaijan takes the driver’s seat in global climate talks but will ‘black gold’ legacy threaten its green transition?

Even though that would improve Azerbaijan’s individual national emissions of greenhouse gases, it only raises the issue of polluters purchasing its gas exports. &nbsp,

Export emissions are generally not included in climate finance, leaving nations that buy and use power with a burden of pollution.

It is why there should be increased attention on the overall energy network, from producer to seller to buyer, much of which has a strong American footprint, said Ms Kate Watters, director of Crude Accountability, a animal rights and economic watchdog for the Persian Basin.

She has serious concerns about the allegations of Azerbaijan’s weak human rights history, lack of transparency on key issues and rooted levels of corruption, byproducts of a resource-heavy, generally state-controlled business.

She cited the significant investments made by companies like BP, Total, and ExxonMobil, Europe’s growing dependence on its energy exports, and the international green funding flowing to solar power projects that are truly substituting in place of the national gas that supplies Azerbaijan’s oil sector.” I think one of the most important things to understand is our responsibility as Western consumers of fossil fuels in what’s happening in Azerbaijan best then,” she said.

Are they simply exporting their carbon pollution to Europe if we examine the entire supply chain from beginning to end? Does that actually address the concerns about how to achieve a more green coming and less carbon emissions? No, it merely pushes the bits around”, she said.

According to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, published by Transparency International, Azerbaijan ranks 154th out of 180 locations with a score of 23 out of 100, making it one of the most crooked countries in the world.

In October, members of the German parliament highly condemned the” Azerbaijan regime’s historic home and extraterritorial repression of activists, journalists, opposition leaders, and people” and even labelled its “ongoing human rights abuses… incompatible with its hosting of the climate event”.

They requested that the EU-Azerbaijani strategic energy partnership be suspended.

The UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review Working Group also reviewed Azerbaijan’s human rights record for the fourth time in late 2023, and 319 recommendations were made.

The government agreed to adopt 185 of those, including measures related to civil and political rights, anti-corruption and national human rights legislation.

In order to “discredit the image of Azerbaijan and undermine its position,” President Ilham Aliyev has previously referred to allegations of corruption by his family and government as “insinuations or half truths.”

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Climate change intensified rain that caused deadly Indian landslides, study finds

Some of the other steps it recommended were reducing forest and quarrying, strengthening vulnerable slopes, and constructing retaining structures to defend vulnerable areas. Some researchers claimed earlier this month that large rain in the state’s month before the floods, which softened the ground, as well as over-development and unregulated tourismContinue Reading

Six dead as floods inundate vast swathe of India, Bangladesh

Authorities in Gujarat, India, reported on Wednesday ( Jul. 3 ) that more than a million people had been flooded in the areas of northeast India and neighboring Bangladesh, killing six people. Monsoon rains kill thousands of people annually, but researchers claim climate change is changing conditions habits and increasingContinue Reading

Sea swamps Bangladesh at one of world’s fastest rates

According to researchers, the impact of climate change is increasing as well as increasing in frequency as well as increasing in intensity and duration. In Bangladesh, hundreds of thousands of people have died in recent years. Shahjalal Mia, a 63- year- ancient restaurant landlord, said he watches the ocean “graspContinue Reading