This fortress-like concrete house in Singapore hides a surprise within

The wood casting that was used to throw the concrete walls creates the patterns. Taylor collaborated with Superstructure, a design-to-fabrication firm, to create the trends. ” Computing style based on a diagrid was the source of flexible versions. A CNC equipment milled the designs onto the wood formworks for the material casting”, Tay elaborated.

The styles, which are a variation of the same diagrid routine but are perforated for light and privacy power, are layered with an aluminum panel on some of the fenestrations facing the inside. The noise is prevented by laminated windows.

A driveway leads to the basement, which has a parking space for seven cars, a guest room, and entertainment areas, from the entrance facing Adam Road Food Centre. A garden that opens to the sky and has trees rising up to meet a landscaped deck on the ground occupies a lot of the basement.

A small opening at the corner of the skewed plan, protected by a black steel canopy, serves as the main entrance to the first storey. The living room has a grassed terrace with a view of the basement garden, and the main door has a lush planter.

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