Hong Kong air travellers can keep liquids, gadgets in bags after security upgrade

Visitors will be able to keep fluid and technology in their hand luggage when they pass through security at&nbsp, Hong Kong airport&nbsp, from next year, thanks to an HK$ 800 million ( US$ 102 million ) update of the system that includes smart screen.

Steven Yiu Siu- lee, the Airport Authority’s executive producer of aircraft operations, said on Wednesday ( May 26 ) that the overhaul would be introduced in phases over the next two years, with 50 new wise security screening channels and 32 complete- body scanners to handle passengers and airport personnel.

” Hong Kong will become the world’s first aircraft to completely follow a bright safety monitoring system”, he said. We anticipate that 98 percent of people will finish the security screening procedure in four and a half hours.

Yiu claimed that the switch was intended to increase the exit testing capacity on the site by 20 % to about 10,000 passengers over that time.

Following Tuesday, the first security screen channels may be installed at the airline’s first terminal’s south and north exit halls.

The airport’s exit halls already boast 35 safety lanes, with each handling 240 passengers per hour.

The clever redesign does reduce the number of roads to 28, with each capable of transferring 360 passengers every minute.

A new computerized tomography ( CT) X-ray machine will be introduced to replace existing scanners, along with an automated baggage handling tray that can accommodate three people at once.

The scanning time will be cut from 15 to 10 seconds by the products, which will scan people ‘ carry-on luggage and produce a three-dimensional picture for analysis.

Additionally, liquid over 100ml will still be prohibited in the fresh procedure, meaning people no longer have to take them out of their hand bag.

According to Yiu,” the reason why we remove notebook computers from the carry-on luggage during the latest protection checks is because they block different items under the two-dimensional X-ray scanning images.”

” The new system makes it easier for security personnel to identify possible illicit by looking at the inner structure of the bag from a variety of angles,” according to the new system.

The new full-body devices will replace regular checks for passengers who activate metal detector alarms, reducing the need for communication between security personnel and travelers.

” With the new program, three passengers can simultaneously create for the screen procedure”, Yiu said.

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Energy transition will propel Malaysia’s economy, needs to ‘survive multiple administrations’: Economy minister


Companies and even the general public are aware that high-quality opportunities” come with needs for natural energy,” according to Mr. Rafizi. &nbsp,

” That realization sort of provides a balance to the negative social narrative against any plan that has a knock-on effect on the public.”

He claimed for CNA that controlling the impact on society is the trickiest element. &nbsp,

” I wo n’t say that we have done it well”, he said. There is still a long way to proceed, but we put significant factors first.

Malaysia has reached a crucial inflection point in its energy needs, he noted, referring to a name for a nation that goods more than it exports. Beyond this, he noted, it could become” a gross supplier” of oil and gas.

We are making our best efforts to inform the public that our energy mix is unsustainable if we do n’t pivot, he continued. &nbsp,

” And therefore, the sooner ( we ) pivot, the better” .&nbsp,


In the discussion with CNA, Mr Rafizi furthermore defended the president’s move to cut domestic energy incentives as a vital part of fiscal combination.

Malaysia on Jun 10 cut most of its diesel subsidies, which the authorities said was costing the country RM4 billion ( US$ 849 million ) annually. &nbsp,

Following last year’s announcements to rationalize subsidies for chicken sales and electricity tariffs, the next government initiative was implemented to rebuild the country’s subsidy distribution system.

The changes are a result of a larger trend to stop paying for overly expensive cover grants.

The emphasis has always been on putting together the necessary system in place, according to Mr. Rafizi, “if you notice how we have managed the sequencing of sympathetic and significant policies, like the advertising of gas subsidies. &nbsp,

When it meets certain internal standards, the state will decide whether to roll it out.

Business observers are currently carefully monitoring the upcoming step in the payment rationalization program.

” But I hope at the same time, the market understands by now that we intend to do it, and we have done it”, said Mr Rafizi on the president’s intention to continue with the program. &nbsp,

Our fiscal combination strategy’s fundamental component is the payment rationalization program. It’s just that given the very dark of it and the awareness, it is best that the action- by- action is kept close to the president’s chest”.

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The North Korean defector flying propaganda balloons to topple Kim


Pyongyang’s response to his bubbles proves they have an impact on the North Vietnamese community, Park said.

With the computer and the media under the control of the regime, it’s difficult to imagine how much information the 26 million people in the North have access to, according to Park.

He claimed that this is why the brochures are important and effective.

” I have received calls from around 800 defectors thanking me for my mission, telling me that they had seen my leaflets in the North”, he said, adding that he would n’t stop his campaign.

His opponents claim that his actions could worsen the tension between the two Koreas, which have been at battle since the 1950s to 1953 issue ended with an armistice rather than a peace agreement.

But Park dismisses the accusations, saying his plan is tranquil:” While Kim is firing missiles non- quit, our message is to prevent such violence”.

His ultimate goal is for the Kim plan to drop, which he hopes may occur due to domestic change, not an exterior intervention.

The North Vietnamese people will benefit from these pamphlets because they will enable them to fall up against the Kim regime and overthrow it, he said.

” My flyers are of wisdom, wealth and like”.

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North Korea sending more trash balloons, says South Korea

A 2023 court ruling that prohibits it as an unfair infringement of free speech means that South Korea may lawfully prohibit activists from flying balloons across the border. Park Sang-hak, an activist who defected from North Korea and has been sending anti-regime flyers north for years, claimed he flew 20Continue Reading