Singaporean actors living in Taiwan, Yvonne Lim and Andie Chen, describe their earthquake experience

Andie, who has experienced minor tsunamis over the three years he has lived in Taiwan, explained:” What you’re supposed to do is to rush at a place where nothing’s going to fall on your mind. &nbsp,

Because the walls there is more reliable, I decided to put an arch in between my existing room and kitchen. And if the property collapsed, I’d been near my house where there’s food and water.”

Andie ran downstairs to reach his wife and children after the initial earthquake was through, taking his phone and wallet. &nbsp,

He was unable to call his wife because she left her phone at home, despite the fact that his children’s instructor had confirmed that the children were safe and gathered at the field. So he returned to his house to waited for her.

He claimed that it was only after he noticed his neighbor looking pale that he realized how serious the disaster was.

” You see, Singaporeans do n’t know, “he chuckled”. It’s the same for me, I did n’t know how bad the situation was. In my mind, I thought,’ Okay, really be secure first’.”

” If even the Taiwanese are freaking out, you know this is not regular, “he said. &nbsp,

He claimed that he had lost numerous crystals on his Eastern Television Awards prize and that Kate’s Star Awards prize had been chipped. But the” most painful “damage was to his macbook as its display was” fully smashed”.