Samsung sues Indian union over strike that disrupted output

According to legal documents, Samsung Electronics ‘ Indian device has filed legal papers with members of a labor union that has been on strike for 11 days at its sole India house appliances plant in Tamil Nadu, escalating tensions with its employees.

The lawsuit against Samsung, which was first reported by Reuters, seeks a state district court’s temporary injunction to stop the coalition and its people from demonstrating, sloganeering, and giving speeches in and around the factory near Chennai.

Doctors were gathered in a courtroom, near Chennai, in Kancheepuram region, where the event was expected to to be heard on Thursday.

Since Sep 9, hundreds of Samsung employees have dispersed their work and protested near wooden tents, requesting higher pay and reputation of a coalition at the herb, which accounts for about a third of Samsung’s US$ 12 billion annual Indian revenue.

The protests against Samsung have smudged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plans to” Make in India” and triple technology production to US$ 500 billion in six times.

Samsung’s 14-page judge filing, which is not common, said the union’s actions” may destroy the factory’s operations and reduce ready employees from fulfilling their duties”.

Such actions “are likely to rise, endangering the smooth functioning of the stock and the health of its people”, Samsung said.

A request for comment was never received by Samsung. It stated to Reuters last week that it had started discussions with the plant’s employees” to handle all issues at the earliest” in a statement.