Philippines’ Catholic devotees nailed to crosses to re-enact crucifixion

CUTUD, Philippines: Christian devotees were nailed to crosses in sweltering heat northeast of the Philippines money Manila on Good Friday in a re- passage of Jesus Christ’s death.

Around 20 000 Filipino and international tourists visited Pampanga province’s San Pedro Cutud community to see this annual show of passion, which the Roman Catholic Church detests.

Players dressed as Roman warriors whipped devoted followers carrying passes and hammered three-inch fingers through the hands and feet of three persons led by Ruben Enaje, 63, who was crucicified for the 35th period.

” While I was walking, all I was thinking about was how Jesus felt while he was carrying his mix up until he was crucified”, Enaje told reporters. Since my body is also getting older, I ca n’t tell how long I can do this.

In other settlements in Pampanga, seven more Filipinos were nailed to passes.

The Philippines ‘ beheadings were the most severe manifestations of devotion, with more than 110 million people identifying as Roman Catholics, making up 80 % of its population. According to Christians, Jesus rose from the grave three weeks after he paid for humanity’s transgressions.

Some followers flagellate themselves with willow whips during Holy Week, an action they consider to be repentance that will wash away their sins, treat illness, and bring blessings. The Catholic Church refutes these deeds, claiming that Lent is only observed in prayer and heartfelt repentance.