Pakistan using ‘terrorism, proxy war’ to stay relevant, says India PM Modi

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday ( Jul 26 ) that Pakistan is trying to stay relevant through “terrorism” and “proxy war” but its “unholy plans” will never succeed.

India has long accused Pakistan of backing insurgents fighting its rule in Kashmir, the Himalayan place, both declare in full but only partially rule over the region. The nuclear-armed South Asian neighbors share an uncomfortable partnership.

Pakistan denies the accusations, saying it only provides political and social support to Kashmiris seeking self-determination in the Muslim-majority place.

Modi made the comments at a gathering to commemorate the 25th anniversary of India’s brief defense fight with Pakistan in the Kargil Himalayan region. The bridge foes have also engaged in three war, two of which were fought over Kashmir.

Nearly a dozen American soldiers were killed this year in the Hindu-majority Jammu area of Jammu and Kashmir, as the place is known.

Modi claimed that Pakistan had certainly taken lessons from its history but was humiliated whenever it attempted to advance its programs.

” I want to tell these patrons of terrorism that their unholy plans will never be successful… Our brave ( forces ) will squash terrorism, the enemy will be given a befitting reply”, he said.

Pakistan’s foreign government did not respond quickly to a request for comment.