North Korea vows military strike if any provocation, fires artillery rounds

As North Korea fired artillery shells close to its border with the South for the third day in a row, Kim Yo Jong, the sister and important ally of leader Kim Jongg Un, declared on Sunday ( Jan 7 ) that it would immediately launch military strikes in response to any provocation.

The comments follow a similar salvo of more than 200 artillery rounds the day before, according to South Korea’s defense, which claimed that the North fired over 60 sessions on Saturday near their disputed maritime border.

On Sunday, North Korea fired roughly 90 sessions once more, according to the South. The troops of the North claimed that because the fire drill was carried out parallel to the border, they posed no threat to that side.

In a statement released by the state news organization KCNA, Kim Yo Jong, one of the most influential members of Kim Jongg Un’s regime, said,” I make myself clear once again that the safety catch of trigger for the Korean Peoples Army (KPA ) had already been slipped.”

Kim said, using the formal name of the North Korean army,” As now declared, the KPA may establish an instant military attack if the army makes even a small provocation.”