Malaysia’s roti canai listed as best bread in the world, Singapore’s roti prata comes at number 12

Obviously, people from all over the world have started arguing about why they think their nation’s food should be at the top of the list in the comments section of andnbsp and TasteAtlas social media posts. What’s the distinction between roti canai and rotti pesto, though? is one of the main points of contention throughout the whole conversation.

Yet TasteAtlas stepped in and published an overall article highlighting the differences between the two food after the query kept coming up.

Evidently, the differences between the two are their preparing techniques and materials. Ghee is used to knead the roti canai, giving the flour a springy and delicate texture. The bakery has a crunchy interior after it has been fried, and its exterior is crispy.

Roti pesto, on the other hand,” is usually made with a combination of bread, water, sugar, and condensed milk ,” which gives the food an even sweeter flavor and texture.

Roti canai and bread pesto are delightful regardless of your position on this issue, we can all agree.