Malaysian actor Tony Eusoff reflects on past prison sentence in Singapore

” I felt afraid for my mother,” she said. Before I entered prison, my grandmother and aunt came to Singapore to take me off”, said Tony.

After Tony hugged her for the last time “at that day”, Tony’s family proceeded to weep.

” For a child, there’s nothing more terrible than seeing your family weep for things you’ve done”, he added.

As a result, Tony strived to behave “more like an child”.

” At the time, I was now 38, 39– it’s not like I was also a child. And I was still doing silly things like]taking medication ]”.

Tony explained that Tony’s loved people first believed he was being framed.

” I wished I had a to responsible person, but little, but. I can just blame myself. It was a result of my personal stupidity”, he said.

On the unknown Malay artist, Tony urged the government to” not been quick to judge”.

” Come waited for all the information to be out before making our assumptions… Often people do things according to mitigating circumstances”.