Japan’s JERA says it shut down a 500 MW power place due to fire

TOKYO: A fire caused Japan’s biggest power electrical generator JERA to turn off a 500 megawatt (MW) unit in its Chiba heat power station near Tokyo on Saturday (Jul 2), increasing fears of an electrical power crunch as an extented heatwave keeps requirement at high ranges.

The fire broke away around noon on Saturday near the steam valve of one of the three turbines in the No . 3 unit of the gas-fired combined-cycle power station, JERA said on Saturday. The fire has been extinguished about an hour later on, it added.

JERA, a joint venture between Tokyo Electrical power and Chubu Electric Power, was checking most of equipment at the unit which had the particular fire and might announce the timing of the restart if it is set, JERA stated in a statement.

Japan’s industry ministry has said energy materials are expected to remain restricted during the peak summer months, asking households and businesses to conserve electricity.

Authorities had issued a daily caution for possible strength shortages from Mon through Thursday a week ago as the country experienced its worst June heat since record-keeping began 147 years ago.

Any further unforeseen disruptions in strength generation may prompt similar warnings once again.

On Sunday, central Tokyo hit its ninth directly day of temperatures above 35 levels Celsius, marking the particular longest streak since record-keeping started in 1875, according to Kyodo news agency.

Read more on: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/business/japans-jera-says-it-shut-down-500-mw-power-plant-due-fire-2787286