Indian PM Modi calls for ‘peace’ before heading to Ukraine

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a “return of peace” on Wednesday ( Aug 21 ) as he left for Ukraine, weeks after Kyiv had condemned him for hugging President Vladimir Putin during a visit to his traditional ally Russia.

Modi, 73, did first explore Poland before travelling on to Ukraine on Friday.

” As a friend and partner, we hope for an early return of peace and stability in the region”, Modi said on social media.

The prime minister has struck a delicate balance between upholding India’s previously hot ties with Russia and pursuing closer security partnerships with European countries as a shield against regional rival China.

Instead of explicitly condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, his government has urged both edges to resolve their differences through speech.

Modi’s second visit to Ukraine is scheduled for May, and he said he would talk about “perspectives on the peaceful solution of the ongoing Ukraine conflict” with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and “approaching the deepening of the India-Ukraine friendship.”