Five years on, WHO urges China to share COVID-19 origins data

Five years after the start of the pandemic that devastated the world, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) demanded on Monday ( Dec. 30 ) that China provide information and access to help explain COVID-19.

COVID-19 killed millions of people, shredded markets and crippled wellness systems.

” We are still pressing China to share information and access so that we can learn about COVID-19’s roots.” This is a spiritual and scientific imperative”, the WHO said in a speech.

” Without accountability, sharing, and participation among states, the world cannot effectively prevent and prepare for future epidemics and pandemics”.

The WHO raconted how its China-based state department received a media release from Wuhan’s health authorities regarding “viral pneumonia” cases on December 31, 2019.

” In the days, months and years that emerged after that, COVID-19 came to shape our lives and our world”, the UN health agency said.

” As we mark this step, let’s take a moment to honour the life changed and lost, accept those who are suffering from COVID-19 and Long COVID, express appreciation to the health workers who sacrificed so much to worry for us, and commit to learning from COVID-19 to create a healthier tomorrow”.