Evergrande liquidation law firm probing PwC, others for potential claims, sources say

HONG KONG: Doctors appointed by the trustees of China Evergrande Group are investigating some of the house company’s service providers including its original accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers, to likely recoup losses for creditors, three sources said.

Evergrande, after China’s largest property developer, was ordered to be liquidated by a Hong Kong judge in January, after it failed to deliver a practical reform program for its US$ 23 billion worth of onshore loan deemed to be in default.

As part of the bankruptcy process, Hong Kong- based law company Karas So is working with the two courtroom- appointed Evergrande brokers, Tiffany Wong and Eddie Middleton from Alvarez and Marsal ( A&amp, M), said the three options, who have knowledge of the matter.

The action, which is prevalent in bankruptcy cases, indicates the first steps are being taken in the direction of the world’s most obliged estate developer, who has more than US$ 300 billion in total liabilities.

The two brokers, Evergrande, and Karas But declined to comment. PwC even declined to comment.

Evergrande’s bankruptcy could get more than a decade to be completed, according to some offshore owners, and get a blueprint for future big Chinese business winding away techniques.

According to a Reuters report in March, citing sources, Evergrande’s bankruptcy attorneys may look for proof of wrongdoing and negligence throughout the business, its administration, and external advisers that might have prevented the company from defaulting on its debt.

Karas So, a company with a focus on liquidation-related legal issues, is looking into Evergrande’s debt and whether some of the service providers to the troubled home creator played a part in the rapid decline in its financial report.

In addition to PwC, Karas So has been looking into the tasks that other businesses that provided financial and other providers to Evergrande, according to one of the sources.

Because they were not permitted to speak to the media, all the solutions chose not to be named.

It is not obvious when Karas But and A&amp, M may get activities, if any, after the conclusion of the investigation.

Evergrande’s overstated revenue at its main unit Hengda by 564 billion yuan ($ 78 billion ) over two years through 2020 has been in the spotlight in China since the China Securities Regulatory Commission earlier this year discovered.

In response to those regulatory findings, the auditor is facing a record fine of at least 1 billion yuan and a halt to operations at some of its mainland China offices.

Hong Kong’s audit watchdog has also been probing Evergrande and PwC since 2021 over the developer’s financial accounts. In April, it launched a new investigation against PwC following the release of a whistle-blower letter alleging auditing irregularities.

Evergrande’s liquidation might serve as an example for other liquidators who are likely to work with other service providers to recover financial losses for creditors, according to industry insiders.

Since the property debt crisis in the world’s second-largest economy started in 2021, at least five Chinese developers have been ordered by the Hong Kong court to be liquidated, and several others are also currently facing liquidation court proceedings.