Chinese, US officials discuss new round of talks between Biden and Xi

According to state broadcaster Video, Wang said,” Traiting each other as equals is the key to the soft growth of China-US conversation.”

” The two edges held sincere, meaningful and productive discussions on a range of diplomatic, regional, and international problems”, the White House said.

The comments came after Sullivan’s next day of discussions with Wang and other officials, which were intended to ease tensions between the two superpowers ahead of the US election on November 5.

The two factors ‘ sessions are scheduled to last until Thursday and include a variety of topics related to their differences, including industry, the Middle East, the conflict in Ukraine, and Taiwanese territorial claims from Taiwan to the South China Sea.

Wang told Sullivan that the US if” stop arming Taiwan and help peaceful’reunification’ of China,” adding that” Taiwan belongs to China and that” Taiwan independence” poses the greatest threat to international peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”

Wang also criticized US tariffs on a wide range of manufactured items and export restrictions aimed at Chinese chip designers, saying Washington may” stop jeopardizing China’s legitimate interests.”

But a US statement also stressed some areas of potential agreement, noting” shared concerns about ( North Korea ), Burma, and the Middle East”.