China says it is ‘seriously concerned’ about US nuclear strategic report

China is deeply concerned about a report that claimed the US had approved a nuclear strategic plan to concentrate on China’s rapid expansion of its arsenal, according to the Chinese foreign ministry on Wednesday ( Aug 21 ).

” The US is peddling the China nuclear danger tale, finding excuses to get proper benefit”, a Chinese foreign ministry director said.

US President Joe Biden approved a very secret nuclear proper strategy in March that addressed China’s rapidly expanding arsenal and attempted to make the US for possible planned nuclear problems from China, Russia, and North Korea, according to a report from the New York Times.

At a standard media briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning stated that” China is really concerned about the important report, and the facts have completely demonstrated that the United States has consistently stirred up the so-called China atomic threat theory in recent years.”

The White House stated on Tuesday that Biden’s classified nuclear strategic plan, which was approved this year, is not a response to a single nation or threat.

China’s growing nuclear arsenal has consistently received praise from the US. China currently has more than 500 operational nuclear warheads in its arsenal, according to an annual report released by the Pentagon in October, and it will likely have more than 1, 000 by 2030.