China promoting authoritarian governance in developing world: Report

China: China has organised seminars and education courses for officials in American and Latin American countries, aimed at promoting its individual- party program and President Xi Jinping’s view, a statement said this week.

The Belt and Road Initiative ( BRI), a massive infrastructure project that China uses to give out expensive loans to developing nations, has been a pillar of Xi’s rule.

Drawing on thousands of publicly accessible files from China’s business government, a Washington-based think tank’s report details efforts to promote single-party law and Xi’s thinking to BRI partners in parts of Africa, Latin America, and above.

The authors of the Atlantic Council report, nonresident fellow Niva Yau, wrote that the documents” clearly highlight aspects of ( China’s ) authoritarian model as central the blueprint of successful development that others can emulate.”

A conference held online for national advisers and cabinet-level authorities in developing nations, among the initiatives listed, aimed at boosting” the worldwide influence of the… management system of China.”

According to the government document cited by the report, the seminar held in June 2021 sought” to create President Xi Jinping’s thought on federal governance, China’s current political system, social life and the features of decision- making process for basic policies”.