Cannabis-flavoured gummies, ‘CBD’ massages in Thailand: Why Singaporean visitors must beware

Cannabis-flavoured gummies, ‘CBD’ massages in Thailand: Why Singaporean visitors must beware

“No one, absolutely no one, is batting an eyelid,” programme host Diana Ser remarked as she walked down a street in Sukhumvit district filled with mobile trucks selling cannabis and related products.

And from the English-language signs and menus in some shops as well as the English-speaking staff, one surmises that “tourists are definitely one of the target audiences”, said Saksith.

Four Twenty Dispensary, for instance, gets Singaporean customers “quite frequently”, said its senior operations manager, Mark Nakayama. “They ask for (cannabis) flowers, but then they also come for edibles and some sort of accessories.”

Kiew Kai Ka restaurant, which uses fresh and dried cannabis leaves in its food, also sees Singaporean patrons, said manager Mike Nuttapong. “They’re curious about how it tastes and maybe the side effects … when they consume our dishes.”