‘Blade Runner’ Pistorius released on parole 11 years after murdering girlfriend

'Blade Runner' Pistorius released on parole 11 years after murdering girlfriend

There can never be fairness if your loved one is not returning, and no amount of time served may bring Reeva back, according to a statement made by the Steenkamp family attorney on Friday.

June Steenkamp added that her only wish was to be permitted to live in peace following Pistorius ‘ release on parole.” We, who remain behind, are the ones serving a life sentence.”

Until his word expires in December 2029, a monitoring official may monitor him; Pistorius must notify them if he changes addresses or looks for work.

The Steenkamp community has stated that as part of his probation terms, he must remain receiving anger management counseling and attend sessions on gender-based violence.

The terms set forth by the parole board, according to June Steenkamp, have confirmed her faith in the West African justice system because they convey a clear message that gender-based crime is taken seriously.

When asked for remark on his launch on Friday, a lawyer for Pistorius did not immediately respond.