Bank of China president Liu Jin resigns

Liu Jin, vice chairman and president of the Bank of China, resigned on Sunday ( Aug 25 ) for personal reasons, the bank said.

According to a filing the banks released on Sunday, the state-owned merchant announced that its table had approved president Ge Haijiao to function as acting president.

Bank of China ( BOC ) did not immediately reply to a request for comment. Liu was unable to be reached for comment right away.

Liu, born in 1967, was named as leader of the banks in April 2021.

He recently held the positions of vice president of China Development Bank from September 2018 to November 2019 and president of China Everbright Bank from January 2020 to March 2021.

Liu’s departure comes in the wake of past BOC president Liu Liange’s resignation in March 2023, when China stepped up its anti-corruption battle in the US$ 66 trillion economic business. Liu Liange resigned in March 2023 and was put under investigation by the anti-graft guardian before admitting to accepting bribes worth more than 121 million yuan ( US$ 17 million ).

Liu Jin served as the head of the purchase banking division and the head of the Jiangsu municipal branch of the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the largest supplier by goods in the world.