Summit drafts ‘blueprint’ for AI use in military; China opts out

The document’s emphasis on preventing AI from being used to proliferate weapons of mass destruction ( WMD) by actors including terrorist groups as well as the need to maintain human control and involvement in the employment of nuclear weapons were two additional details.

There are many other activities in this area, including the US government’s charter last year about the use of AI responsibly in the military.

The Seoul mountain- co-hosted by the Netherlands, Singapore, Kenya and the United Kingdom- aims to maintain continuous multi-stakeholder discussions no dominated by a single country or institution.

Nevertheless, China was one of the roughly 30 countries that sent a state representative to the summit despite refusing to support the document, which highlights the dramatic differences in viewpoints between the parties.

Defence Minister Brekelmans remarked,” We also need to be practical that we will never have the entire planet aboard.”

” How do we deal with the fact that not everyone is adhering?… That is a challenging situation that we should even address,” he continued.

The location and schedule for the next conference is still being discussed, authorities said.

South Korean authorities stated at the UN General Assembly that they intend to start conversations about AI in the military sector based on the “blank.”

Countries should talk with one another in between summits, according to Giacomo Persi Paoli, Head of Program Security and Technology at the UN Institute for Disarmament Research ( UNIDIR ).

” The template is an iterative step forwards”, he said. ” By going too fast, too quickly, there is a very high chance that many places do not want to participate”.