South Korea summit announces ‘blueprint’ for using AI in the military

SEOUL: A global summit in South Korea on Tuesday ( Sep 10 ) announced a “blueprint for action” to govern responsible use of artificial intelligence ( AI ) in the military, with more practical guidelines than a similar document last year, but still legally non-binding.

How many of the 96 countries sending state representatives to the conference, including the United States and China, are now supporting the report?

The Responsible AI in the Military Domain ( REAIM ) summit in Seoul, the second of its kind, follows one held in Amsterdam last year. At that time, around 60 nations endorsed a modest” call to action” without legal commitment.

State representatives speaking at a roundtable on Tuesday said this week’s “blueprint” was more action-oriented.

This is in line with recent developments in the field of AI danger and developments in military AI use, such as Ukraine’s deployment of AI-enabled drones.

Ruben Brekelmans, the Netherlands ‘ defense secretary, told Reuters,” We are making more concrete steps.” ” Next time… was more about creating shared knowledge, now we are getting more towards action”.